USBCHA Judging Clinic Video.
The USBCHA has produced a video in collaboration with Dave Imas and Catbird Video featuring respected judges discussing their judging philosophies and methods followed by narrated judging of several runs at real trials. We hope this will assist handlers in understanding how runs are being judged and help aspiring judges develop their judging skills.
To make this available to the largest number of handlers, the video is being made available in three formats. It is four hours long, which creates a very large video file. Therefore, the video is available as:
Free Streaming Online: If you have high-speed internet service, you can access the entire judging video online at no cost (above) or here . Please keep in mind this is a four hour video. It’s hosted at Vimeo, and there is no easy way to book mark your place so if the stream is interrupted or you can’t watch in all in one go, you’ll need to remember where you were and scroll to that point next time. But, it’s free!
Get it on USB-Flash Drive: Catbird Video has agreed to make this available on USB-Flash Drive at cost for anyone who does not have high-speed internet, or a Blu-Ray DVD player, or wants to watch it on their laptop anywhere any time. Follow this link to Catbird Video’s website and for the low, low price of only $12 (to cover the cost of the Flash Drive and shipping), Dave will send you a copy of the video in MP4 format. Most computers will play this but you will need to check whether yours will. Free players for both Mac and PC are available for download. The free VLC media player is available here and is available for MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.