Ashley Wright is a 4th year student of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University. For her senior paper, she is investigating access to veterinary care for small ruminant providers in light of recent changes to the availability of over the counter access to some antibiotics.
Below is a copy of a letter provided by her faculty sponsor Dr. John Wenz DVM and a copy of the letter is provided here.
All responses are anonymous. The link to the survey is here It only takes about 10-15 minute to complete. Participation is completely voluntary. This study is not sponsored or endorsed by USBCHA or ABCA. We are providing the link as the issues being studied may be of interest to our members.
Box 646610, College of Veterinary Medicine, Pullman, WA 99164-6610 509-335-0738 • FAX: 509-335-0880 •
Survey of veterinary access to care and antibiotic use by owners and managers of small ruminant livestock in the United States.
Access to veterinary care can be a challenge for owners and managers of small ruminant livestock. Researchers at Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine have developed a survey to better understand how those that raise sheep and goats manage the health of their animals and the obstacles encountered. It is anticipated the results of the survey will inform further research and efforts to improve access to veterinary care and foster antibiotic stewardship on small-scale, small ruminant livestock operations in the United States.
This project is being spearheaded by Ashley, a 4th year veterinary student who owns sheep and trains herding dogs. Her first-hand experience of the challenges faced by sheep and goat owners motivated her to do this research as her senior paper project. Her goal is to better understand and develop solutions to remove obstacles to quality health care of sheep and goats. Please help her by completing this survey:
Survey URL
The survey should not take longer than 10-15 minutes. It is completely voluntary, and all responses will be anonymous, so you can answer candidly without any risk of anyone tracking your answers back to you.
If you are at least 18 years of age and own or manage sheep or goats as part of a “hobby” or “backyard” farm in the United States you are eligible to participate in this online survey.
If you have any questions about the survey or how the data will be used contact Dr. John Wenz DVM, MS, Associate Professor, WSU College of Veterinary Medicine: 509-335-0773
“This study, IRB 20122, has been certified as Exempt by the WSU Human Research Protection Program.”